Terms and Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions
This Website and its content is provided by GlobalPages.com and its partners & affiliates.
We offer business, professional & personal advertising services on the Internet. If you use the GlobalPages.com website, we take that as your acceptance and agreement with these Terms & Conditions, which may change from time to time without any notice.
Use of Content
We use a diverse range of information, text, photographs, designs, graphics, images, sound and video recordings, animation and other materials and effects on the GlobalPages.com website. All of these are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, or other intellectual or proprietary rights owned by GlobalPages.com or other third parties. All information, designs, concepts, business listings, & advertisements that we provide on our website GlobalPages.com, which we will refer to as "Content" is for your review.. This can be for either individual or internal business purposes. Any other use of the GlobalPages.com Website, or the "Content", is strictly prohibited, including, without limitation, modification, republication, copying, deletion, transmission, public performance, distribution, proxy caching, uploading, posting, reproduction, redistribution or any other dissemination, without the express written permission of GlobalPages.com or the applicable rights holder. The "Content" on the GlobalPages.com site may not be used by third parties for telemarketing, direct marketing, commercial mass email or by agents or representatives or email spammers.
The fact that you have been permitted to use the GlobalPages.com Website does not give you permission to use the Website or Materials for any illegal purpose. Nor for that matter may you transmit to (or through) the GlobalPages.com Website or to (or through) any Service any illegal, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, hateful, pornographic or other objectionable material of any kind, or to interfere with, abuse or otherwise violate the legal rights of any third party using the GlobalPages.com Website or "Content".
Disclaimers & Liability
At GlobalPages.com we make every possible effort that we can to ensure the information presented in, on or through its Website, is accurate. However, because GlobalPages.com also communicates information provided and created by advertisers, software developers, publishers, marketing agents, resellers and other third parties, GlobalPages.com, unfortunately, has no control over the accuracy of such information. We're sure you'll understand that we can make no guarantees, nor be responsible for any such information, including its accuracy, currency, content, quality, copyright compliance or legality, or any resulting loss or damage. Nor do we investigate, represent or endorse the accuracy, legality, legitimacy, validity or reliability of any deals, coupons or other promotions ("Promotions") or Content contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website (the "Service"). Nor the quality of any product or service, information or other materials displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in or in connection with the Service (the "Products"). Nor does GlobalPages.com assume the responsibility of enforcing licensing requirements with respect to licensed professions or trades prior to publishing Materials. We also take great measures to ensure that information provided to us gets listed accurately. However, since that work involves entering all the information manually to our system, sometimes, unintentional errors can be made. Once, brought to our attention or checked by our customer service representative, the incorrect information will be corrected as soon as possible. In the event that the error does not get fixed, GlobalPages.com shall not be liable or responsible for any damages. There may be other advertising considerations that could be offered to the advertisers in recognizing that an unintentional error with data entry was made.
All of the data on Products and Promotions including but not limited to, the prices and the availability of any product or service or any feature thereof, is subject to change without notice by the party providing the Product or Promotion. Which is why we at GlobalPages.com encourage you to use discretion while browsing the Internet - and always remember - read the fine print associated with any Promotions found on our Website and throughout the Internet. Further, GlobalPages.com reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without any obligation, to make improvements to, or correct any error or omissions in, any portion of the Service or the Content. Simply put, we can make changes to our website without having to notify you first. Where appropriate, we will endeavor to update information listed on the Website on a timely basis, but shall not be liable for any inaccuracies. If you are advertising with GlobalPages.com, sometimes the category of your choice may not be available or appropriate or a similar category may already exist in the system. We may switch your category to an already existing similar or a more appropriate category to give your business a better exposure. GlobalPages.com does not make any representations regarding the availability and performance of its website. Any use of the GlobalPages.com Website, reliance upon any Content and any use of the Internet generally shall be at your sole risk, and that GlobalPages.com shall not be liable for any loss of data, lost profits or any other damages or losses resulting from such use. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability of consequential or incidental damages, so the above exclusions may not apply to all users; in such states liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law. IN NO EVENT SHALL GLOBALPAGES.COM BE LIABLE FOR ANY COMPENSATORY, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, LOSS OF DATA, INCOME OR PROFIT, LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, OR ANY CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE, THE MATERIALS, THE PROMOTIONS AND THE PRODUCTS REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL THEORY ON WHICH THE CLAIM IS BASED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM ANY MISTAKE, OMISSION, VIRUS, DELAY OR INTERRUPTION IN OPERATION OR SERVICE OR FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE, WHETHER OR NOT RESULTING FROM AN ACT OF GOD, COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE, THEFT OR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO GLOBALPAGES.COM RECORDS. GLOBALPAGES.COM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSES OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM ANY FAILURE OF THE INTERNET.
Cancellation Policy
We want you to be completely satisfied with our advertising services which are designed to help your business get more exposure. If for any reason, you are not happy with the purchase that you have made, you have five (5) business days to cancel your ad with us. You can send your cancellation request in writing by email or fax. Due to the fast paced nature of the services we perform and how the information gets updated in our directory system, if your listing has been added to our directory before you contact us to cancel your ad, some cancellation charges may apply.
You can always disable the cookie function if you so choose in your browsers settings. However, we can not guarantee that our website will work properly. You may lose the ability to use some of its advanced features at GlobalPages.com.
Some of the banner and display ads on GlobalPages.com are provided by third party ad servers. These ads may also contain cookies. Information collected through cookies associated with third party ads are collected by the third party and we do not always have access to this information. It is our policy, however, to only use reputable third parties with their own good privacy policies to serve the advertisements that are placed within our website.
Renewal Policy
Our renewal process is simplified for all our clients. It begins with our mailing you an upcoming renewal advisory letter that contains important information about your listing and refers you to our website for a further explanation regarding the terms and conditions for renewal with GlobalPages.com. From this letter, you, our most valued client have the option to renew, make changes or cancel the service within a 30 day period. If we have not heard from you within this 30 day period, you will automatically be renewed. For added convenience you can fax your request or contact us. Please note that all cancellation requests must be made in writing. If you require further assistance with your cancellation request, you also can always call our Customer Service department. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that our clients receive the maximum exposure for their on line advertising needs without any lapses in coverage with GlobalPages.com.
Privacy Policy
At GlobalPages.com, your privacy is our priority. You have every right to trust and to expect confidentiality and we respect this right.
Our goal is to ensure that this and every subsequent visit you make to our website is with complete peace of mind. So, we want you to have an overview of how we collect data about the our visitors and what we do with that data. The following are the policies that we have put in place to ensure such an environment at GlobalPages.com.
Use of Content
Every time you visit GlobalPages.com, you may be providing some or all of the following information:
Anonymous information
Aggregate Data
Any personally identifiable information you knowingly provide us
If you are concerned about GlobalPages.com or selling any personally identifiable information to any telemarketing, direct marketing or commercial mass email companies, agents or representatives, you should not. Because we will not do that. if you tell us it's okay to do so. Here are the only instances GlobalPages.com could maybe, perhaps, possibly send personally identifiable information to other companies, offices, or people:
You have given GlobalPages.com your explicit permission to share this information;
GlobalPages.com needs to share the information to provide a product or service you requested;
If GlobalPages.com believes, in good faith, that such action is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or other legal process;
If GlobalPages.com finds that your actions on the GlobalPages.com website violates the GlobalPages.com Terms of Use or any of GlobalPages.com's usage guidelines for specific products or services.
Disclaimers & Liability
At GlobalPages.com, we collect information to provide more services and benefits to you. We do not collect any personal information but what you did while you were visiting our website.
This information provides GlobalPages.com with valuable feedback which we use to improve both our site and our services. One good example: we can inform GlobalPages.com advertisers how many people saw or clicked on their ads - plus, how many people saw or clicked on ads in different sections of our website.
We also monitor information so that we can produce aggregate reports for internal use - and for use by third parties, including GlobalPages.com advertisers. Aggregate reports are mostly statistical and deal with information like people behavior and number of total visits and page views not about individual behavior.
From time to time we may release information about aggregate user characteristics, but we do not include any personally identifiable information about you or your individual online usage patterns.
Use of Cookies
GlobalPages.com collects information about your site usage through cookies and through our server log files, including IP Addresses. Please note that GlobalPages.com does not link IP Addresses to any personally identifiable information. With cookies, we can customize areas of GlobalPages.com content according to your preferences. What's more, Cookies allow us to target our advertisements and limit the number of times you see pop-ups on our site. Cookies tell us nothing about you personally, unless of course you elect to give us additional information about yourself.
Opt Out!
You can always disable the cookie function if you so choose in your browsers settings. However, we can not guarantee that our website will work properly. You may lose the ability to use some of its advanced features at GlobalPages.com.
Some of the banner and display ads on GlobalPages.com are provided by third party ad servers. These ads may also contain cookies. Information collected through cookies associated with third party ads are collected by the third party and we do not always have access to this information. It is our policy, however, to only use reputable third parties with their own good privacy policies to serve the advertisements that are placed within our website.
Personal Data
If you order any products or services from GlobalPages.com, we will collect personally identifiable data from you in order to process the transaction and to provide you with the support and tools required to maintain and modify your directory listings.
We also collect personally identifiable data in other situations where you knowingly provide us with such information. For example, when you complete online surveys, participate in a sweepstakes or contest, or communicate with our Staff.
Your Security
GlobalPages.com understands how important it is to protect you and your information. We take security seriously, online and offline. All sensitive information, including credit card details, is encrypted using the very latest server technology. Your browser should let you know when you are about to make a secure connection by an image of an unbroken key or a closed lock (as shown below) at the bottom corner of your browser. If the image is broken or open, your connection is not secure. From time to time, GlobalPages.com may amend this policy to provide our visitors the latest tools and techniques being developed.